The Villages of Schuylerville and Victory are known for their rich and unique history. Dating back to prehistoric eras, Native Americans set up seasonal camps along the Hudson River and Fish Creek where they had access to abundant game and vegetation. During the French and Indian wars, early settlements were the sites of French raiding parties, and throughout the American Revolution, they played a pertinent role in the infamous Surrender at Saratoga, the turning point of the American Revolution. During the Industrial Revolution, the water power of Fish Creek and the Hudson River was harnessed, making both villages prominent and wealthy. The Champlain Canal also served an important role within the villages as mules and workers used it as they pulled heavy wooden barges filled with produce and other goods through the canal and its locks. Today, much of the Champlain Canal has been rerouted to the Hudson River, while a portion of the original Champlain Canal still exists and runs through the village. For over a mile a Towpath follows along the canal from General Schuyler’s home to Lock 5 of the current canal.
Independent Comprehensive Plans were completed for the first time in 2005 in the Village of Schuylerville, and in 2003 in the Village of Victory. Both of these Plans aim to revitalize their respective Village’s economy, improve public services and the quality of life for their residents, and capitalize on the historic and natural resources while attracting new businesses that compliment the region.
Reconstruction of Route 4, 32 and 29 through the Villages of Schuylerville and Victory is expected to commence by the New York State Department of Transportation in 2017. Great things are happening in Victory. Construction of the trails and interpretive signage elements of the Victory Woods interpretive area are nearing completion. Also, the old mill known as Victory Mills is being rehabilitated into 200 loft apartments.
Villages of Schuylerville and Victory Projects and Resources from Stewardship Plan