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Hudson River Valley Greenway

“Along the Hudson River Greenway Trail,” Courtesy of John Resch

The Hudson River Valley Greenway is an innovative partnership-based New York State entity created to facilitate the development of a regional strategy for preserving the scenic, natural, historic, cultural and recreational resources of the valley while encouraging compatible economic development initiatives and maintaining the tradition of municipal home rule. The Hudson River Valley Greenway geographic area includes 321 municipalities in 14 counties. To date, 270 have voluntarily joined the Greenway. These communities can receive technical assistance and funding for local land use planning and implementation projects, trail development and heritage promotion.  The Greenway also serves as the management entity for the Congressionally designated Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area. www.hudsongreenway.ny.gov


625 Broadway – 4th Floor

Albany, NY 12207

Phone: (518) 473-3835

Fax: (518) 473-4518